Santiago Ixcuintla Nayarit. Thu 12/17/09 8:59 PM
Hermano, nuevamente tengo el placer de compartir esta dicha contigo que Dios permite que sigamos teniendo al ver más convertidos en Su Iglesia, gracias hermano y sobre todo gracias a Dios por haberte traído a Santiago aquel Noviembre inolvidable, especialmente para mi porque gané el provecho de aprender el metodo we care, comparte por favor estas fotos con mis hermanos allá donde te congregas y con todos lo que de una y otra forma tiene relacion con we care. Dios bendiga a su Iglesia en todo el mundo.
Iglesia de Cristo, Santiago Ixcuintla Nayarit.
Santiago Ixcuintla Nayarit. 7-18-09
Hello brother, we continue to work in the same manner, y and once again we see the Lords work being done, and to Him be all the merit and worship. God bless you.
Iglesia de Cristo, Santiago Ixcuintla Nayarit.
Santiago Ixcuintla Nayarit. 7-16-09
Hello brother, I really lack words to describe what continues to happen here in Santiago, however we continue forward. Her name is Carla she is 14 years old and she dedicated her life to the Lord. God bless you.
Iglesia de Cristo, Santiago Ixcuintla Nayarit.
Santiago Ixcuintla Nayarit. 7-13-09
Hello brother, once again we have the pleasure of seeing more souls through the obedience to the gospel of our lord Jesus. We had a four day campaign which gave result in knowledge and in baptisms, our brother Hector Fernandez director of the school of preaching in Torreon preached for four days. We will also hold a campaign next year in April and Hector will preach once again, and beforehand we extend an invitation to you also. The young girl was baptized just a few minutes ago, and we praise our great God. God bless you.
Iglesia de Cristo, Santiago Ixcuintla Nayarit.
Hector Fernandez director
Santiago Ixcuintla Nayarit. 7-11-09
Hi Brother, the We Care method is still working. God bless you. She was baptized four days ago and she is doing real well, her name is Yesenia.
Iglesia de Cristo, Santiago Ixcuintla Nayarit.
Santiago Ixcuintla Nayarit. 6-26-09
Once again I have discovered that everything is just based on whether you want or don't want to do things, God has provided what is necessary to do his work, once again I just tell you that the method is just marvelous. God bless you and your entire family her name by the way is Imelda.
Iglesia de Cristo, Santiago Ixcuintla Nayarit.
Santiago Ixcuintla Nayarit. 6-25-09
High brother Marco:
Your visit here in Santiago continues to bear fruit, we have now a brother Felix and sister Maria Elvia are in Christ as of this date, we had decided to copy the study booklet in an effort to learn how to share Christ and as it happens some converted this day.
Maria Elvia
Iglesia de Cristo, Santiago Ixcuintla Nayarit.
Santiago Ixcuintla Nayarit. 6-6-09
Hello brother Marco, once again, I thank God for the opportunity they gave you to come to Santiago and teach us the "We care" method that continues to give us fruits for Señor Jesucristo and our Father in heaven, these two ladies decided to put on their Lord on in baptism after I was able to have a Bible study with them.
We ask for your prayers regarding our situation here, rent has doubled in the last three years, and behind all this there are people who are not members of the church who have no interest in the church, whom we are subject to, because they are our landlords, but we faint not, we just carry the higher costs,we will continue to trust in the Lord, for he is the one that solves our problemss. may God bless you.
Iglesia de Cristo, Santiago Ixcuintla Nayarit.
Once again, this is Antonio and this third baptism was once again thanks to the We Care method that has proven effective again. And I recommend any churches that want to grow naturally, this effective method is the way to go. 6-8-09
Hi Brother, once again we have a new soul for God thanks to the We Care method. God bless you.
Iglesia de Cristo, Santiago Ixcuintla Nayarit. 6-9-09